What is black and white and red all over? When it's the cover of 'Time' magazine, it's a publishing statement that the subject is existentially important. (Its most famous use … Read the whole story
Facebook is considering limiting political campaigns' use of "microtargeting" tools, Nick Clegg, the company's head of global affairs, reportedly said this week. Read the whole story
The Justice Department is accusing two ex-Twitter employees, Ahmad Abouammo and Ali Alzabarah, of amassing private information on Saudi dissidents for the government of … Read the whole story
Just when you thought your point of view was safe inside your head, along comes shocking proof of algorithmic radicalization. Read the whole story
Some 70% of consumers in a recent survey said it's important for brands to take a stand on key concerns. Read the whole story
Think about next year's election and what political ads might morph onto viewers' screens when tuning into cable TV news networks. Read the whole story
Almost two-thirds of the deceptive stories focused on either Democratic politicians or left-wing issues. Read the whole story
The ebook focuses on the findings of the special counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, with analysis from 'Post' reporters. Read the whole story
I hope online advertising can lead social media to a place where facts are facts, and all facts are portrayed in a less-sensational manner. Read the whole story
'Impact2020' offers subscribers a national perspective on the election by packaging local reporting and opinion writing together to create a narrative that follows the … Read the whole story