America continues to rely on pepperoni's magical powers to get through the pandemic, with Domino's U.S. sales rising 17.5%. Read the whole story
Nation's largest grocery retailer, The Kroger Co., has been partnering with meal prep and delivery provider ClusterTruck. Read the whole story
The Chapter 11 filings come as prospects dim for Congress to provide additional financial assistance to the beleaguered restaurant industry. Read the whole story
Every marketer wants to crack the code on younger demos and the ways that digital entitlement has shaped Millennials and Gens Y/Z. But not … Read the whole story
What can marketers learn from this McDonald' promotion, which brought a ray of hope to gloomy restaurant predictions? Read the whole story
The brand is always aiming to expand and diversify its product offerings, says Monster Energy CMO Dan McHugh. Read the whole story
The first NowThis Next event will be hosted in partnership with Vital Voices Global Partnership on October 18. Read the whole story
"I'll lay here all day if I have to, for the rivers," says a woman vegging on a raft, seltzer can in hand. Read the whole story