Only a handful of companies have publicly acknowledged they installed its tainted software -- and the extent of any damage from data breaches is still unclear. Read the whole story
The uptick was a plus, but some 79% lost a key source of revenue: ads. Read the whole story
'Southwest Contemporary' will expand coverage beyond Santa Fe to embrace the full region: New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Texas and Utah. Read the whole story
Before the election ended, news consumption was at a peak. Pew Research Center reported that 36% of U.S. adults followed election results almost constantly, … Read the whole story
StitcherAds is Snapchat's only partner approved for custom overlay templates and offline conversions API, with the goal of driving more in-store sales for advertisers. Read the whole story
I line up firmly on the side of Apple in the latest cat fight between two tech giants. Read the whole story
Big-budget films need a specific theatrical exclusive showing to make money, and as other studios look to more concurrent streaming/theatrical releases, scheduling of Sony … Read the whole story
In today's high-tech, mobile-driven world, the oldest form of out of home information exchange, the poster, has a window of opportunity to become the … Read the whole story