The U.S. ecommerce market has more room to grow than the digital ad market, which is showing signs of maturing. Read the whole story
The 'Post' will add an associate producer and a community editor for what it calls its most popular channel. Read the whole story
Publishers of Northeast Florida title are developing a microbrewery, but say the 'Void' brand will evolve. Read the whole story
Writers can get paid in the cryptocurrency if they so choose, the company has announced. Read the whole story
Facebook has defeated claims that its prior ad-targeting options violated anti-discrimination laws by allowing advertisers to prevent housing ads from being shown to users … Read the whole story
Trump's lawyers argue that his permanent suspension from YouTube is causing him "irreparable injury," because it deprives him of the ability to raise funds … Read the whole story
TV marketers are increasingly counting on key older news viewers -- in particular the 25-54 crowd, as well as 60+ audience -- to be … Read the whole story
Google may be on a mission to make the world's information open and accessible, but it also has been pushing for transparency. Here's why … Read the whole story
While the new platform doesn't explicitly reveal any PII about the creditworthiness of the 270 million Americans it has profiles on, it is able … Read the whole story