The deal creates one of the largest media companies in the U.S. It is expected to close in early 2022. Read the whole story
Identiverse is attended by more than 2,000 digital identity, security and privacy experts from over 800 large enterprise and public sector organizations annually. Read the whole story
"What we're measuring is a leading indicator of what's going to happen with spending," explains one researcher, noting that "attitude leads behavior." Read the whole story
About 27% say they'll shop only in-store, and 32% intend to shop online only. And 41% plan to use a combination of both channels. Read the whole story
What happens when an advertising platform that has been effective in attracting new customers becomes so toxic it damages your brand just by being … Read the whole story
To reach a half a million core fans who are an active and often viral part of a fan community is inevitably more valuable … Read the whole story