WGN 'Dives' Into Priceline Sponsorship

A series of interstitials on WGN America starring an executive at the cable network's parent company has inked Priceline.com to a sponsorship deal.

The 60-second shorts, featuring local restaurants in the Midwest, are piloted by Lee Abrams, Tribune Co.'s chief innovation officer.

Branded "Sky Dives," the shorts have Abrams, a music industry veteran and former chief creative officer at XM Satellite Radio, flying his small plane into mostly Midwestern cities for a weekend, and sampling hometown dining options.

The Priceline deal, which includes a presence on the series' Web site, runs 10 weeks. WGN said the opportunity for last-minute hotel bookings on Priceline dovetails with "Sky Dives'" whimsical in-and-out exploration theme.

Restaurants in St. Louis and Louisville have been featured; Muskegon, Wis. and Buffalo, N.Y. are upcoming.

"Sky Dives explores America's passion for the character and soul of our regional food," said Abrams, who joined Tribune last year in the newly created CIO position. Abrams works with all divisions of the bankrupt Tribune.



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