Tribal DDB 'Obsessed' With Philips

  • September 8, 2011
Tribal DDB Amsterdam has launched "Obsessed with Sound," a new interactive audiovisual online experience for Philips. The campaign, which promotes the quality of the Philips audio range, launches across 11 markets, including Germany, France, Russia, UK, USA, Brazil, Argentina and India. During the performance by the DutchMetropole Orchestra, users can interactively isolate any one of the 51 individual musicians to hear every detail of their musical contribution. Alongside this campaign, Philips also launches the "Obsessed with Sound" music competition -- a search for the best sounding composition.

1 comment about "Tribal DDB 'Obsessed' With Philips".
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  1. Anthony Giallourakis from, LLC, September 9, 2011 at 11:20 a.m.

    This kind of gamification, an advergame built around the composite of musical instruments, almost like a tool kit of audio devices, will grow in popularity. There are several examples of this kind of advergame on

    You can find them looking for advergames in the “music” category. With advances in browser technologies, you can expect even more of these kinds of advergames, and it won't just be audio tracks that you can manipulate and control. Video, in game objects, and a lot more are coming!

    It is great to see more media coverage of advergaming. The whole advergames category of casual video games is about to explode. No downloads, free, great variety, fun, and no social network membership required (for those who don’t want to “Like” something just to play their game).

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