'Zero TV' Trend Rejects Trad TV Viewing

Young-men-watch-TV-Shutterstock-A2"Zero TV" homes do not receive TV programming in traditional means -- but some still have TV sets and use them to watch entertainment, play games and surf the Internet.

Zero TV homes now account for 5% of all TV homes -- around 5 million in 2013. Nielsen says these homes have more than doubled from the 2 million in 2007.

Up to 75% of these homes still have TV sets that no longer receive TV programming via traditional means. Sixty-seven percent of Zero TV homes get their content on other devices such as a computer, smartphone or tablet --  37% on computer; 16% on TV Internet; 8% on smartphones, and 6% on tablets.

These homes tend to be young, with more than half under 35 versus the 32% of these young viewers that Nielsen considers TV homes. Some 25% of Zero TV homes are between 25 and 34. More than 85% are "Non Hispanic" versus the 88% "Non Hispanic" traditional TV homes. Over 80% of Zero TVers have no kids in the home, and 60% do not live alone.

Why have these homes unplugged from traditional TV? Nielsen says 36% have done this because of cost, and 31% because of lack of interest. Only 18% consider signing up with a TV subscription service.

"Young Men Watch TV photo from Shutterstock"

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