
Girl Scouts CMO Reveals How A 102-Year-Old Organization Goes Digital

Girl Scouts of the USA is getting into digital, and recently revealed a tool that will allow individual troops across the country to sell cookies online. The tool includes an email feature that the girls and their parents can use to push their sweet treats out to their community. 

In a keynote speech at the Email Insider Summit today in Park City, UT, Girl Scouts CMO Sarah Gormley revealed that the organization is working on building a digital infrastructure to help improve its customer experience. One of the challenges has been to bring together analog data from 112 councils across the country and make a central database, so they can streamline the process of reaching out to potential parent volunteers and interested cookie buyers. "Pretty radical for us," said Gormley.

This is the first time that the 102-year-old organization has been able to do something like this. Digital Cookie is the organization's new tool, that allows girls to connect with potential customers. (The girls have to initiate connections as a security measure). The Digital Cookie will be the group's third tool. Gormley pointed out that this will not replace booth sales or door-to-door sales for the #2 selling cookie selling during the four-month season.



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