AMC, Rentrak Team Develop Demographic Reach Metrics

Rentrak and AMC Networks have struck a partnership to develop a cross-platform effort for TV program viewing -- one that will show incremental viewer “reach.”

The effort will integrate viewing behavior from Rentrak’s passive television and video-on-demand information with census-level video viewing collected from AMC Network’s digital platforms.

The venture is intended to uncover how audiences use these platforms by demographics. Rentrak says the effort will look to established a new “reach” model -- where reach is incrementally increased in looking at a combination of digital viewing, DVR, TV and VOD sources.

Rentrak already offers up a video-on-demand report -- VOD Monitor, which measures content across cable, satellite and telco systems. Rentrak also offers up a weekly “cross-platform entertainment rankings” to clients, which look at individual entertainment platforms' performance -- movies, TV engagement, social media engagement, and other areas.



“The combination of Rentrak and AMC viewing information will provide the industry with a full scope of how audiences use different platforms,” states Chris Wilson, president of national television for Rentrak.

Rentrak’s television ratings service comes from satellite, telco and cable television viewing information from more than 36 million televisions and video-on-demand viewing from approximately 120 million TVs. This includes 210 U.S. television stations.

1 comment about "AMC, Rentrak Team Develop Demographic Reach Metrics".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, September 24, 2015 at 12:49 p.m.

    Wayne, why do we keep calling this kind of thing "viewing" information when it's  mainly or totally based on set usage, not viewing? The two are not the same thing.

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