
Amperity CMO Always Dreamed About Working At Microsoft

Growing up, recently appointed chief marketing officer at Amperity Brian Goldfarb always wanted to work at Microsoft, which catapulted him into marketing and data. “It was my childhood dream,” he said.

The new Amperity CMO always wanted to work in software. Now at Amperity, he plans to remain. 

Early in his career, however, he took a hard turn into investment banking and trading in New York, and soon realized it wasn’t for him.

With a background in computer science and economics, he left New York for Seattle to explore options at Microsoft, and “stumbled” into marketing for the platform and developer business, talking about the products rather than coding them.

“It was a magical connection,” he said. “It satisfied my personal needs around learning and communication.” That “magical connection” kept Goldfarb at Microsoft for more than nine years.

Now at Amperity, he is looking at ways to differentiate the company and raise awareness in 2021.



"High growth -- that's what I'm addicted to," Goldfarb said. "How you find it. How you do it. How you make it successful. Each company I joined acted as a rocket ship. I'm addicted to the opportunities that creates." 

Goldfarb spent years at Google, Microsoft, Salesforce, and Big Data analytics company Splunk. At each, he spearheaded the launch of enterprise technologies to implement marketing strategies. Now he brings that depth of experience in customer data to Amperity.

“There’s not one company on the planet not going through a digital transformation right now,” he said. “I made a career of helping customers driving them or driving them myself.”

When he’s not working, Goldfarb likes to read. At the time of this interview, he was reading the non-fiction book Billion Dollar Loser: The Epic Rise and Spectacular Fall of Adam Neumann and WeWork. Next on the list is Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet.

In his free time, since the pandemic began, Goldfarb has become a bit of a chef, “though I’m not making sourdough bread.”

He’s also spending a lot more time with his family. “It’s the longest time I’ve spent at home in my entire life,” he said. “We’ve been watching a little more TV than I would like to admit.”

And he has been adding to his wine collection, mostly from vineyards in Northern California.

His predictions for 2021 include a successful rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine and settling into some sort of normalcy.

“2021 will become a significant digital transformation year for many companies,” he said. “They will need to find a way to differentiate their services.”

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