TikTok Provides Ad Partners With Post-Purchase Survey Data

TikTok's new partnerships with post-purchase survey providers KnoCommerce and Fairing will give brands direct input from TikTok users.

The goal is to help marketers sharpen their paid-media strategies by better understanding where their customers are coming from, how long it took them to convert, and which channels were most effective on their path to purchase.

“Traditional attribution models have always struggled with an inherent flaw: they often fail to capture the full consumer journey, generally focusing on the last touchpoint before a purchase is made,” TikTok writes in a recent blog post. “In today's multichannel, multi-device world, this model is becoming increasingly inadequate.”

Claiming to be the fastest-growing channel for brand discovery, TikTok believes that many current measurement tools fail to provide limited adequate information on where customers first learn about brands.

In the company’s view, survey results from KnoCommerce and Fairing may add “an additional layer of data” to marketers’ online advertising strategies.

Data from both providers can be integrated into most customer relationship management (CRM) systems, which allows marketers to streamline data collection and analytical processing by plugging the insights directly into the system of their choice.

To drive interest in the offering, TikTok is promising advertisers who sign up for the survey program by the end of the year up to $5,000 in ad-credit incentives to help offset the cost of the partner subscription.

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