CBS Denies Limbaugh's Claims Of 'Promises' To Appear On Show

  • September 7, 2006
A spokeswoman for CBS News yesterday denied claims made by Rush Limbaugh on his conservative talk show. Limbaugh said he was given "certain promises (and) conditions" in order to participate in the "Free Speech" segment on the "CBS Evening News with Katie Couric," which airs tonight. Comparing the nightly piece to a newspaper's op-ed column, the spokeswoman said: "There aren't any guidelines when we're doing this. It's not a point/counterpoint type of thing. There are time considerations, and there cannot be any personal attacks. But otherwise, any participant is invited to speak freely." Limbaugh made the claim Tuesday to listeners, while defending his appearance on Couric's show. Limbaugh also said: "Many of you (are) accusing me of being a sellout; a phony--going over to the dark side."



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