ABC Wants Newlyweds For 'Dream House' Cast

ABC, which has intriguing reality projects in the pipeline involving play-at-home bingo and a search for a master celebrity impressionist, has begun casting on a decidedly less spicy series. Called "Dream House"--perhaps inspired by HGTV's success--seven recently married couples will square off on a range of challenges in hopes of winning a sterling home.

Producers ABC and Syndicated Productions are looking for couples that have been married for two years or less with an interesting twist on how they met--be it or on a cross-country flight. Production is expected to begin in May, perhaps in time for the show to have a summer run.

The series clearly dovetails with the wish-fulfillment mantra ABC employs for its reality series, from "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" to "The Bachelor." Like "Extreme Makeover," which has an association with Sears and other marketers, "Dream House" would seem to offer a platform for extensive organic product placement/brand tie-ins.

While "Dream House" is in the early stages, ABC has two other reality shows slated for launch in May and going into the summer: "National Bingo Night," where contestants play for cash on screen and viewers can play along at home, and "The Next Best Thing: Who is the Greatest Celebrity Impersonator?, a reality-competition series where contestants are sure to show off their best mimicry of Clinton, Bush and Bill O'Reilly. Or would Colbert render the last one moot?



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