Mag Rack: An Ounce Of Prevention, Other Rodale Titles Too

Health Tips From Rodale

The British may not be sending flu shots this year, but the folks at Rodale are prepared for the worst.

The company has taken advantage of its wealth of health knowledge by surveying its book and magazine editors and internal health experts to collect a number of preventative health tips.

Rodale, of course, is responsible for Prevention, Runner's World, Men's Health, Organic Style, and the new Women's Health, as well as the bestselling book "The Abs Diet."

The publisher has circulated this collection of tips to all of its employees while also making one of its books, "The Immune Advantage," available free of charge to all.

Some highlights: "Don't sneeze or cough into your hands...When you sneeze or cough, simply turn your head and aim down," says Denise Foley, editor-at-large at Prevention.

"Expose yourself to short-term stress that you can control. (Playing a video game, for instance.) It spikes your levels of SIgA, a key immune system protein," offers Dave Zinczenko, editor in chief at Men's Health.



"Drink hot cocoa," says David Willey, editor in chief, Runner's World. "A cup made with cocoa powder has twice as many virus-fighting antioxidant chemicals as red wine and almost five times as many as black tea."

Kids Like Toys

On Tuesday, Family Fun magazine announced the winners of its 13th annual T.O.Y. Award (toy of the year).

Family Fun revealed the ten highest-ranked toys out of 21 winners at a ceremony held at Dylan's Candy Bar in New York City. The annual event is planned with hopes of being an indicator of which toys will be hits during the upcoming holiday season.

More than 1,000 children at KinderCare Learning Centers used 38,000 hours of playtime to select the winners from a group of 520 toys (from 159 manufacturers).

The finalists and winners are featured in the November issue of Family Fun, currently on newsstands. This year's number one toy is the Rescue Heroes Robotz Hyper Jet HQ by Fisher-Price.


FHM is teaming with high-definition cable network INHD, for a "behind-the-camera" original series, "FHM Uncovered." The show will look at photo shoots of FHM models (clearer pictures of semi-naked girls). The first issue will highlight the magazine's shoot with LPGA star Natalie Gulbis, who is featured in the November issue of the magazine. INHD has planned for four 30-minute episodes.

Speaking out Against Gossip

Next Wednesday, at the 12th annual Women of Distinction Breakfast sponsored by The Girl Scout Council of Greater New York, Seventeen Editor in Chief Atoosa Rubenstein will speak out against tabloid gossip about women, particularly teen girls.

Rubenstein's keynote speech, "Mean Media: The Gossip We Love is Also Destroying Us," highlights the event, which honors women who help girls grow into outstanding women.

Says Rubenstein: "As young women are becoming more successful, the media is dehumanizing them through its vicious gossip. We all need to be mindful of the popular culture we create, and to celebrate successful young women--not denigrate them."

Life Promo Campaign

Recently re-re-re-launched Life magazine has launched a multi-market ad campaign developed by brand consultancy Heavy. The campaign, which includes TV, print, national radio, outdoor, and online media, featuring everyday scenes that celebrate weekend enjoyment, carrying the tagline "Life: Coming to a Weekend Near You."

Life goes out to 12 million readers in newspapers across the country each Friday.

IBD Reaches Bosses

Investor's Business Daily reports that it has placed in the top position in a variety of desirable C-Level categories in the recently released Mendelsohn Affluent Survey.

The magazine is tops in composition in just about any category that indicates "the boss," including: "Owner / Partner," "Any Chief Officer," "Job Title--President/CEO/COO," "Job Responsibility--CEO/COO/CFO," and "Job Title President/CEO/COO or Job Responsibility CEO/COO/CFO."

Party Circuit

Traditional Home is throwing a party next Thursday at Sky Studios in New York to celebrate its 100th issue.

Parents magazine is hosting a Halloween party at Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum in New York on October 26 at 6 p.m.

Child magazine will present its second Annual Children's Champion Awards on Wednesday, November 10th. Award winners include Judy Blume ("Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing") and Erin Brockovich-Ellis.

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