• by January 24, 2001
Every Wednesday, MediaPost brings you the scoop on who's doing what and where in the advertising media world. If you know of someone who's recently changed jobs in the advertising media field or would like to recommend a colleague for a MediaPost spotlight, please email us at people@mediapost.com

Headliners this week:

ALAN JAMES recently joined CarroSELL, the airport advertising medium as CFO. Prior to joining CarroSELL, James was Financial Advisor to private e-commerce venture capital funds.

JOSEPH HAYES has been promoted from Account Executive to Publisher of the SRDS Consumer Magazine Advertising Source.

STEVE HARRIS, MIKE HANSEN, ED LUFT, CATHERINE WOOD, PETE FERRARO, and BECKY DAN have been appointed to the newly created position of Promotion Supervisor at the Television Division of Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc.

DR. KYLE LANGLEY has been promoted to Chief Research Officer from Director of Product Management Simmons Market Research Bureau.



EVAN OSTER, former MTV Networks Latin America Research Director has joined MeasureCast, Inc as VP of Research.

WAYNE ROSING has been named VP of Engineering at Google. Rosing, a Silicon Valley veteran who has over a quarter century of engineering and research experience, joins Google from Caere Corporation where he served as CTO.

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JAY NGUYEN has been appointed Sr. Director, Sales and Marketing for BMG Entertainment, New York. Prior to BMG, Nguyen spent 12 years at New York-based Sony Music most recently as Director, Business Development/Integration, New Technology and Electronic Music Distribution.

ANTHONY MARINO, formerly BMG Entertainment Director, IS&T North America, has been named Director, Data Warehouse, IS&T North America.

FRANK PATCHEL has been named CFO at San Francisco-based Mediaplex, a digital messaging company. Most recently, Patchel was President of RSI Group.

SUSAN RERAT has been named Managing Director for Epicurious by CondeNet, New York. Rerat is the Founding Publisher of Vogue Russia and has spent the last three years working in the Paris and Moscow offices of Conde Nast International.

DAVID KAHN has been promoted from Associate Publisher to Publisher of CondeNast's New Yorker.

CHRIS JONES, J. Walter Thompson Co'

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