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Hulu Faces Sharp Drop Off in Growth

Hulu's incredible growth seems to be dropping off-quickly, TechCrunch's Jason Kincaid reports. Between January and February of this year, the online video giant, which is jointly owned by News Corp., NBC Universal and Disney, saw a 42% increase in unique visitors and a 33% increase in streams, according to comScore data. Between February and March, Hulu became the third most popular video site in the U.S., with a 14% growth in uniques and a 20% growth in overall streams. However, between March and April, the site recorded modest growth of 4.4% in streams, from 380 million to 397 million. Meanwhile, unique visitors actually dipped from 41.5 million in March to 40.1 million in April.

Kincaid notes that much of the site's growth between January and February comes down to Hulu's primetime Super Bowl commercial, which introduced the site for the first time to millions of users. Kincaid calls these users "the low hanging fruit" because these people most likely already wanted to watch TV content on the Web, but didn't even know that Hulu existed. Now comes the much harder part: convincing die-hard TV fans to switch their viewing habits.

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