Perhaps this information, as a planning tool, is somewhat focused on agencies with clients in financial services, or those in online retailing, but it is also interesting to visit the "security psyche" of the American consumer as well...
In a survey completed by Bruskin Research for MerchantOnline in September, and reported by Direct Newsline as presented here, they found that consumers are still leery of buying online, especially with a credit card.
The report shows that three in five Internet users fear that their credit card number could be stolen when used to make purchases online. One third are concerned about their personal information being captured from their credit car
The survey also found that respondents overwhelmingly prefer to give their credit card number by phone than over the Internet, 61% vs. 20%, and mail order over the Internet 55% to 28%. The phone was also preferred over mail order by a significant margin, 52% vs. 34%.
The report goes on to conclude that:
* Respondents with Internet access that do not buy online, 39% reported they were afraid of hidden costs, 32% feared a fraudulent deal and 21% thought the company was unethical.
* 84% indicated they used credit cards to make purchases, including 68% who made a credit card purchase over the phone, 56% by mail order and 51% online.
* One in five, or 22%, reported that their credit card information had been used fraudulently.
* 43% of respondents were familiar with the Electronic Signature Law and 55% were hearing about it for the first time.
* 68% indicated the new e-signature law would not impact e-buying habits, 20% reported they were less likely to buy and 9% were more likely to buy.
* As for online security methods to make them feel safer, 46% would select a hardware device that encrypts data and information before it enters a computer and 36% would chose an encrypted certificate that remains on the computer.
This report overview was found on Direct Newsline.