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What Will Online Users Pay For?

  • Mashable, Tuesday, February 16, 2010 1:50 PM

What sorts of content are consumers willing to pay for online? Mostly movies, music, and games, according to new data from Nielsen. Meanwhile, content created online -- like blogs, podcasts, and video -- are the least likely to attract consumer dollars. The findings are based on a survey of some 27,000 consumers across 52 countries.

"At face value, the findings might seem like good news for old media companies that are increasingly eying paywalls as a source of salvation," notes Mashable. "However, Nielsen also found that 'nearly eight out of every ten (79%) would no longer use a Web site that charges them, presuming they can find the same information at no cost.'" The onus therefore lies on publishers the break news, and generally give the impressive that their work is somehow exceptional. No easy task.

Read the whole story at Mashable »

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