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Time Inc's Mag Exec Said To Push Spinoff

Time Inc. EVP Sylvia Auton actively lobbied Time Warner CEO Jeffrey Bewkes to spin off the embattled magazine unit, saying it was hampered by being part of the media conglomerate. Sources say she pushed the point with several executives, though Aucton denies the charge.

Meantime, John Huey, editor-in-chief of Time Inc., is said to have been so upset by her blurring the line between advertising and editorial he pulled his name from the mastheads of all the magazines in her division. The company insisted that Huey had no editorial input in the division after a 2008 realignment. One insider said the trigger was a Real Simple advertising insert entitled "Decorating with Wal-Mart," which seemed to mimic a preceding editorial section entitled, "Decorating with Yellow." The ad ran afoul of ASME guidelines.



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