Many people in older generations than my own have various stereotypes about the Millennial Generation. The Millennial generation could be defined as the tech savvy, young generation who has been surrounded with technology for most of their lives. The Millennial Generation is also stereotyped as carefree and open with our personal information. Well I'm going to stand against these stereotypes and say, "YES! MY PRIVACY MATTERS TO ME!"
Social networking sites, email accounts, career profiling sites, blogs ad more make it difficult to keep basic information private. Every time you create an account somewhere, you're building a resume of your online life on Google or other sites you may not even be aware of. Your information is accessible to just about anyone who wants to know about you. I don't like the fact that anyone can find me anytime they want. They can even see what my home looks like with the zoom features of Google Maps! These features could be useful if you're traveling and going somewhere you're unfamiliar with. But these features can easily be abused and used with dangerous intentions. This is something personally that creeps me out, especially because I have no control.
And of course I have to touch on Facebook. The privacy statement is ridiculous and according to Zuckerberg privacy doesn't exist anymore. Well I would tell him, yes it does. Every citizen has the right to safety and I believe privacy and safety go hand in hand. I have witnessed people save other people's pictures to their computer, and edit them and use them in inappropriate ways. Or even if they don't use them in inappropriate ways, I'm not sure if I want just anyone to be able to save my pictures for themselves to do whatever they want with them.