Over the past several years, the email marketing industry has exploded with innovation -- not only in cross-channel design and capability, but also in the tools available to help us do our jobs better. My team and I have come across several such tools recently and are in varying stages of giving them a whirl. I thought I’d share what we’re excited about right now:
Scoop: http://helloscoop.com/
Just released by Litmus, Scoop compiles all of your email into a daily digest, then gives you one grid with a thumbnail of each message. For those of us who subscribe to tons of email for research purposes, this allows us to survey email creative more quickly. As it becomes adopted by our subscribers, it may create an even stronger imperative to include powerful email hero designs to catch subscribers’ eyes on grids of thumbnails. It might also mean that subscribers who otherwise wouldn’t open our email will catch at least a glimpse of our designs when they open their daily “Scooped” email.
Organizer: http://www.otherinbox.com/
Organizer is a new tool from OtherInbox, owned by Return Path, that organizes daily email in a way similar to Scoop. Organizer creates folders by mail type (shopping, financial, news, travel, etc.) and then sends a daily digest of messages so that Organizer users can focus their attention on the types of messages that interest them. As marketers, this could allow us to sort the wide range of messages we subscribe to and to digest them more easily.
Subjectlin.es: http://subjectlines.wpengine.com/
Also by OtherInbox, Subjectlin.es is designed specifically for marketers, enabling us to track the performance of our subject lines (or our clients’ subject lines) against those of competitors. It also allows us to view deliverability rates and get email alerts with the best performing subject lines in our industries. This could be an invaluable tool for the strategists and copywriters in our industry as well as provide valuable information to SEO teams. By reviewing performance in subject lines, we can learn which phrases resonate with our subscribers and thus could be used as organic search terms.
Movable Ink: http://movableink.com/
Movable Ink apps turn our emails into containers for live content. When an email is opened, Moveable Ink serves live content based on current time, recipients’ locations, social context, and your business rules. This is really changing the email game! By using these apps, we can send more relevant, targeted messages to our subscribers. Check out Movable Ink’s site for examples of how brands have used its tools.
Liveclicker: http://www.liveclicker.com/web/products/platform/
Liveclicker contributes more than just one tool to the tool belt, consistently developing new products and services to help marketers optimize their video and ensure the right format displays no matter the browser, mail client or operating system. If you or your clients are looking for some new ways to use email in your campaigns, check these guys out for some fresh ideas, and consider attending their 2012 Video Commerce Summit in August.
What are we missing?
We’re sure that a wide spectrum of other awesome tools are available that aren’t yet on our radar. If you know of some products and services that deserve a spot on the email marketing tool belt, please share in the comments!
At Windsor Circle, we help marketers at online retailers with retention marketing by putting the data they need about their existing customers at their fingertips. One way we do that is by making customer's purchase history available in their email marketing platform.
Check us out at: http://www.windsorcircle.com
Great list. It's always encouraging to see what others are doing for one of the most time-tested, popular, heavily invested-in mediums.
I do have another to add: ActiveMail.
With ActiveMail, emails go from static, flat reading material to interactive dynamic content experiences. In 2012, a video in an email should not be an image of a video screenshot with a play button pasted on; you can actually play videos in your inbox, embedded in your email. Or social media - reply to new Twitter followers right from the email notification, or comment and Like a post on Facebook directly inside the email notification.
There's a lot more that can be done with ActiveMail, and we've actually started covering those features in our new blog series: Wouldn't It Be Great If... So far we've shown how to turn Groupon, NBC Sports, and Amazon emails into ActiveMails. Feel free to check it out!
Thanks again for the compilation.
Terrific list.
Given that perhaps the most vexing problem faced by email marketers today is deliverability, this list would not be complete without FreshAddress's SafeToSend™ Deliverability Solution - http://biz.freshaddress.com/SafeToSendDeliverabilitySolution.aspx
FreshAddress’s SafeToSend™ service eliminates bouncing emails from your list, corrects millions of registration errors, and flags toxic email addresses for removal to make your email file 100% guaranteed deliverable. Check it out to see why 25% of the Fortune 50 companies now rely on FreshAddress to build, clean, and update their email address databases.