
Solutions To Some Of Your Marketing Challenges

It’s hard to believe we are nearing the end of Q2, but here we are—half-way through our year and finding ourselves evaluating the goals we had set for 2013. How are things going for you? As you begin to look at your marketing-to-mom goals and strategies, here are some of the top reasons your brand may not be connecting with Mom and some possible ways your company may be able to overcome the challenge in the second half of this year.

Challenge #1: Time

Moms are multi-minded and consider time to be as valuable as money; therefore, moms look for activities and events that allow them to accomplish more than one thing at a time. 


  • Take things off her “to do” list by partnering with other small businesses to combine your services. For example, a tutoring company may partner with a restaurant to provide after-school snacks for students or take-home dinner options for parents.

  • Think digital: Have opportunities to schedule appointments online, send new products by email and use mobile messaging to send reminders. Look at your website—can you quickly answer the three questions you get asked most by callers?



Challenge #2: Cost

Moms are definitely cost-conscious, but will pay more for products and services they feel add value to their lives.


  • Emphasize the quality of your products and services such as materials used, performance capabilities, etc. For moms, showing that your clothing can last through multiple kids is a big deal. 

  • Use real moms in your marketing and ask current customers for testimonials on how using your products and services has improved their overall lives.

Challenge #3: Community

Moms view the world as a community and do not like to feel isolated or alienated—they want to share the experience of an activity or event with others. 


  • Host events that not only teach moms how to use your products or services, but introduce them to other moms. Bump Club and Beyond is a great example of creating offline Mom experiences.

  • Focus on business networking as well as social networking—partner with a local business organization to create an event or experience for their mom entrepreneurs and executives.
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