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ABC, NBC Take Different Routes To Change

Here's how two broadcast networks are making changes.

NBC is reportedly looking to its viewers for ideas. Its "Big Idea Bureau"  has been narrowed down to 10 supposedly viewer-created suggestions, according to an inside memo unearthed by the Huffington Post. But we wondered why we couldn't find the logistics of how such ideas were submitted, and why they were all explained in corporate-marketing speak: "The Bubbler: 'A brand that aggregates sharable news targeting Millennials.'"

More conventionally, ABC, which "has struggled most in the ratings this fall," is shifting its prime-time schedule, canceling one -- prime-time soap "Betrayal" -- and adding others to the mix, writes Bill Carter. Among the additions:  "Mixology," a rom-com set in yes, a bar; the eight-part CIA-focused series “The Assets"; and “Killer Women," about female Texas Rangers,.

Read the whole story at The New York Times »

1 comment about "ABC, NBC Take Different Routes To Change".
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  1. Edmund Singleton from Winstion Communications, November 21, 2013 at 4:58 a.m.

    There is nothing viewer friendly going on at the ABC Network, their on-screen logo in cob web or snow flakes, promo for upcoming shows with a number of pop-ups, are are asking viewers to following a story line, for all that we should be thankful?

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