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Twitter Makes Better Partner For TV Than Facebook

Twitter’s chief media scientist Deb Roy has staked the social network’s claim to be a better partner for broadcasters, TV producers and advertisers than rival Facebook. “Twitter makes television better: it is in fact a force multiplier that can enhance the impact and possibilities of television,” she said. Roy was speaking in a keynote speech at the MIPTV television industry conference in Cannes.

Read the whole story at The Guardian »

2 comments about "Twitter Makes Better Partner For TV Than Facebook".
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  1. Andrew Stuart from Bidness, April 9, 2014 at 8:29 p.m.
  2. Andrew Stuart from Bidness, April 9, 2014 at 8:32 p.m.

    Twitter is always trying to keep its user engeged and this new update will retain user interest that is why it is on the top and will remain on top for this reason

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