Don't Call 'Em Geezers: Study Shows Seniors Vital For Financial Advertisers

For most marketers, when thinking about the advertising lives of their consumers, life begins at 18 and ends at 49. A survey from Scarborough Research, however, suggests that life may not just begin at 50, but so should ad spending--especially in the area of financial services, and they're not just talking about life insurance.

As Scarborough makes clear, it stands to reason that people ages 50 or older tend to have more financial assets than their younger counterparts, according to a new analysis from Scarborough Research. Among Scarborough's findings, 50+ consumers account for 42 percent of those with stocks or stock options as a household investment, and 60 percent of consumers who have Certificates of Deposit in their household are 50+. And yes, half of persons with IRA's in their household are 50+.

Marketers--especially those in the financial services sector--have to pay more attention to this issue, as more than one-third--39 percent--of the adult population is over 50 years of age, said Alisa Joseph, Vice President, Advertiser Marketing Services, Scarborough.



In terms of media choices, these mature consumers are effectively reached with newspaper and television, as well as the News/Talk format, Scarborough's study noted.

About 25 percent of this age group are among the most avid newspaper readers, Joseph said. Almost two-thirds--roughly 64 percent--read a daily newspaper. With respect to television, the story is also notable: 58 percent of television's most avid viewers are persons 50+, Scarborough's study said. "Financial marketers are realizing that adults 50+ control most of the nation's wealth," said Joseph. "Those not aggressively targeting this often under-tapped consumer segment are missing out on the lion's share of the substantial net worth this powerful group offers."

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