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Target Pushes For Adoption Of IoT Standards

  • Lux, Wednesday, September 7, 2016 9:05 AM

The Internet of Things (IoT) needs more thought and development before it can take off properly, a top innovation executive at Target has warned. The admonishment will be noteworthy and sobering to the lighting industry, which in a world of lengthening luminaire life-spans, has pegged IoT as the next big thing. The creation of a mass network of communicating objects, including smart-light fittings, will not happen until they all speak a common language. The current bi-lingual network is a non-starter Gene Han, Target’s vice president of consumer Internet of Things, commented at a recent press conference in San Francisco.

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1 comment about "Target Pushes For Adoption Of IoT Standards".
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  1. Mark Westlake from GearBrain, September 7, 2016 at 11:49 a.m.

    Totally agree.  More education will lead to adoption which will lead to sales.  Manufacturers need to find a way to educate consumers if they want to hit their numbers.

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