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McCann Files Army Review Protest

  • Adweek, Thursday, August 16, 2018 11:07 AM
It's been quite a long and winding road for the years-long U.S. Army agency review and incumbent McCann has been eliminated for the second time during the process. Also for the second time the agency has filed a formal complaint protesting its elimination. Last year after being eliminated it protested and won reinstatement. has the latest details. 

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1 comment about "McCann Files Army Review Protest".
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  1. Tom Jefferson from IPG, August 16, 2018 at 1:34 p.m.

    What a total travesty! Mccann Erickson bending the most powerful Army over a barrell not once but twice? All hail the powerful liberals from the state of NY! Now if taxpayers only knew how egregiously Mccann Erickson has been overcharging our Army, there would panic in the streets of Manhattan. As a former IPG “team” employee AND a retired Former US armed service member, I know all the stories well of how the Mccann Erickson Army Team (granted it has changed personnel a little over time) rakes the beloved US Army over the coals on pricing—the same US Army that protects their livelihood. Total disgrace and it pains me as an ad exec to know this is happening. Why is the Dept of Justice not looking into these petty, ridiculous protests that guarantee Mccann Erickson extensions to further screw our Army. Forget Russian Collusion, we’ve got homegrown insurgents at work against our government. 
    Thom. Cornwallis Jefferson

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