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Comcast Stepping Up Rollout Of Bundled Services

Comcast CEO Brian Roberts says his company, which has been slow to enter the telephony market, is now ready to move aggressively into the field, offering customers a bundle that includes video, Net access, and calling services. In doing so, Comcast will be joining its big cable competitors, including Time Warner, in a trend consumers seem to find appealing. Packaging TV, Internet, and phone into a $90-$100-a-month bill is clearly the wave of the future. Comcast's bundle in Boston costs customers $90 a month, and it has been quite successful, Roberts told a group of industry analysts in Phoenix. Roberts also said this week that in an effort to prod basic-cable customers to upgrade to digital services, Comcast would provide digital set-top boxes preloaded with 100 movies for free, or possibly a buck a month. About 60 percent of Comcast's customers are still on analog service.



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