Andy Flynn To Serve As Editor/Publisher Of Adirondack Daily Enterprise

Andy Flynn has been appointed as editor and publisher of the Adirondack Daily Enterprise and Lake Placid News 

Flynn has served as editor of the News for 10 years.  

Flynn’s predecessor, Trevor Evans, is moving to a position at an Ogden Newspapers publication in West Virginia.  

“Andy has been in the fabric of these communities for decades with a wealth of knowledge and involvement, and I am sure he will continue to do so for years,” says Michael Bird, regional publisher based in Jamestown, of Flynn. 

“My vision is for the News and Enterprise to be the leading provider of news and information in the Tri-Lakes region for residents and visitors,” Flynn says.

Flynn adds, “At the same time, we offer a variety of print and digital marketing solutions for businesses in the region to help grow their customer base.”




1 comment about "Andy Flynn To Serve As Editor/Publisher Of Adirondack Daily Enterprise".
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  1. T Bo from Wordpress, November 27, 2023 at 8:36 a.m.

    The area has plenty of wealth and real-estate promotions, so these pubs should be able to survive.

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