behind the brand

This QSR's Historical Reign of the Fast Food Industry

Which brand claims to have started the fast food industry and is now 123 years old? Keep reading to see which iconic QSR started it all.

  1. The first White Castle opened its doors in Wichita, Kansas in March of 1921, launching the fast-food industry.
  2. The original Castle like crenelations and turret-like structures were inspired by Chicago’s famous Water Tower building.
  3. The name soon became synonymous with ‘epicenter for all cravings’ from “White” for cleanliness – and “Castle” – for permanence and strength.
  4. In 1987, White Castle became the first fast food brand to have its tasty deliciousness available in the grocery freezer aisle.
  5. White Castle remains family owned – among its 10,000 team members are 8 members of the 4th generation – including “Slider Queen” and CEO – Lisa Ingram.

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