
Top 5 Predictions For 2025?

  • by , Featured Contributor, January 1, 2025

Yes, this is another one of those annual prediction columns, breathlessly prognosticating what the new year will bring — or maybe it’s not?

My top five predictions for 2025:

1. Total retail sales in the U.S. doubles year-over-year, as 100 different retail media networks each claim and deliver over 1000% ROI for each and every one of their clients from the $70 billion in ad dollars collectively spent with them.

2. AI singlehandedly creates 500 thousand new jobs in the U.S., as openings for prompt engineers overtake openings for health care workers on all major job sites.

3. Digital ad fraud totally disappears as the major ad verification firms collectively catch, name, shame and shutdown all of the digital ad bot farms, made-for-advertising site producers, and sell-side-platforms that have permitted them to pollute the digital ad ecosystem.

4. Cannes Lions swept by AI engines, as the estates of Mary Wells Lawrence, Leo Burnett, Bill Bernbach and David Ogilvy open-source all of their life’s work for use in all of the generative AI engines.



5. Eschewing economic mergers to maximize scale and leverage for principal trading in media, the large marketing services companies and ad holding companies decide to shift their businesses back to driving growth for clients, ad effectiveness and return-on-investment, instead of satisfying short-term procurement demands for lower-priced media and low prices for non-working media services, which is what has been driving them into the arbitrage business.


What do you think?

7 comments about "Top 5 Predictions For 2025?".
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  1. Frank Zazza from iVPP, January 1, 2025 at 12:56 p.m.

    Couldn't agree with you more. Just wanted to add that marketing to Gen Z'ers with short form videos will also gain media investments. 

  2. Dave Morgan from Simulmedia replied, January 2, 2025 at 1:38 p.m.

    Thanks Frank. Yep. I suspect media investment will
    follow demographic spend pattern changes.

  3. R.J. Lewis from e-Healthcare Solutions, LLC, January 2, 2025 at 8:34 p.m.

    Well no one can fault you for not making BOLD predictions Dave!  I'm just hoping democracy stays intact and the US doesn't default on its debt.  But yours are more ambitious than mine :)

  4. Dave Morgan from Simulmedia replied, January 2, 2025 at 8:39 p.m.

    Thanks RJ, I share yours as well, and they’re much more important than mine!

  5. marc viale from Marketing Lab LLC, January 3, 2025 at 1:31 p.m.

    CTV is so fragmented with poor reach and over frequency. The audience you want is on Apple TV and Netflix, and they block ads.  Any CMO depending on CTV for the top of the funnel will be out of work soon.

  6. Dave Morgan from Simulmedia replied, January 4, 2025 at 1:30 p.m.

    Totally agree Marc. CTV has some real work to do to truly manage reach and frequency against specific audiences. If it doesn't, it will never be a reliable brand-bundling channel.

  7. Kevin Gallagher from 701 Consultants, January 8, 2025 at 9:25 a.m.

    These are great predictions for the New Year. And if you don't mind me adding one more:

    "NFL projected to capture 100% of all time spent viewing by the end of 2025"

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