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Double Standard

Right-wing pundit Ann Coulter hasn't lost any of her newspaper clients or the support of her syndicate, despite remarks in a new book about how some 9/11 widows "enjoyed their husband's deaths"--a contrast to what happens when progressive columnists or cartoonists tackle incendiary material, reports Editor & Publisher. Coulter, who has also called President Bill Clinton a "rapist," keeps her newspaper clients "because she has a loyal fan base of conservative readers who look forward to reading her columns in their local newspapers," says Universal Syndicate spokeswoman Kathie Kerr. While she notes that certain "Doonesbury" or "Boondocks" cartoons are routinely pulled from papers, if anyone has ever given right-wingers the same treatment, "we don't know about it." Another Universal talent, progressive cartoonist and blogger Ted Rall, satirized some 9/11 widows in a 2002 drawing and was hurt financially. Rall, who calls Coulter's comments "a lot meaner" than his cartoon, says that he lost and other clients, costing him as much as $50,000.



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