
I received a rotten Apple...

So this past week my apple crashed. (Sigh) I was so good to her, and loved her well…but she was acting kind of funny. She was distant, and got heated up very quickly. I must admit I did push her buttons, but what I though was right was really just wrong. In order to keep her with me we went to go see a specialist, and he said that we had crashed. He told us that our past is in the past and we should/will never get the chance to look back upon it. We will have a fresh start. Although I will cherish our future moments with each other…I loved those now lost memories that can never be recovered. (SIGH).

What to do, what to do…

PS…I did back up the important things…but small things were lost. It’s amazing how crazy I am about my computer. I love my apple and it is really difficult not having her around. I get her back on Monday. Man, if I had to go another week without a computer, and drag my ass to campus every time to use one, I would shoot my self in the index toe. That’s right…the index toe. It seems like a very neglected part of the body…Anyway… (sigh)….no Mac…


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