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Amid Housing Woes, Realtors Launch New Ad Effort

As the housing slump worsens, the National Association of Realtors has rolled out a new ad campaign touting the "facts about homeownership and the value of real estate as a long-term investment." The idea is get people to worry less about national statistics or potentially short-term trends. "Nobody buys a home in the national real estate market," says association President Dick Gaylord, a broker with RE/MAX Real Estate Specialists in Long Beach, Calif.

"All real estate markets are local, and buyers and sellers who are thinking about making a move should consult with a realtor in their local market to learn about conditions specific to the area." He adds that it is "also advisable to look beyond the immediate horizon...." The ads will run more than 10,000 times on national radio and TV from now through November.



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