
Firefox 3 arrives

Amid a storm of Twitter messages this afternoon I learned that Firefox 3 was released. With the release comes an attempt at setting a world record for downloads in a 24-hour span. Ars Technica reports.

Nerdy as I am, I rushed to the download site upon seeing the proclamations of "Firefox 3 is here!" on Twitter. After experiencing a few minutes of lag time and some lost connections, I finally scored the download.

So far, I'm pretty impressed. I've reopened my previous tabs - GMail, Google Reader, a few work-related windows and Pandora - and the system seems to be responding much faster than before. The interface is much more 'bubbly" on Windows XP, making it appear a little bulky in places but presentable no less.

Time to keep surfing. We'll see what this sucker can handle.

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