College students use the Internet more than any other medium to research travel destinations, and to shop for travel deals or discounts according to a recent survey by FuturePages, COLLEGeMEDIA GURUS, and The study found that College students spend an estimated $14.8 billion annually on travel.
Students take more than 66 million trips a year. 30% travel more than 150 miles between three and five times a year, generally by car. More than 72% of students surveyed have traveled internationally during college.
About 40 percent said they spent between $201 and $750 during the last year on domestic travel. Over 70 percent of this travel is financed with students' personal funds.
Approximate response percentages according to the survey results:
- 58 % research travel destinations online
- 51 % research destinations through someone they know
- 25 % research destinations through travel agents or a magazine
- 50 % learn
about travel deals, discounts and programs on the Web or through friends and family
- 10 % use the Web exclusively for finding deals
- 26 % learn about deals through travel agents
- 25 %
receive email notice of special offers
- 54 % of respondents have purchased travel tickets online
- 14 % purchase travel arrangements exclusively online
- 27 % have purchased travel
through a discount travel Web site
“The Internet is a powerful tool for travel marketers trying to reach college students,” said Tom Borgerding, vice president and co-founder of FuturePages. “Students are very receptive to online promotions.”
Learn more here.