Does On-Demand Mean End Of Ad Jobs?

  • by September 12, 2008
Admittedly at the risk of sounding somewhat extreme, I think all of you [discussing on-demand content] are implying that jobs in the advertising media space are on their way out the door. As this trend continues and ad metrics change, probably not for the better, how do you all plan on paying the mortgage?

Does the future hold a pay-per-view business model? That also bodes ill for advertisers, but at least there's a revenue stream for content creators, although even that has several major caveats. For content creators will everything shift to a product placement business model, since no one will be watching ads?

This is an interesting space at a very interesting time. All of you indicate a desire to watch content at your convenience without interruption by those nasty ads. Where's the money going to come from??? How will this ad-free utopia sustain itself? Will the money be going only to those who own the fiber and cable and charge the monthly subscription fee? Maybe it is time to finally buy some Charter stock.

Like the old proverb says, "May you live in interesting times."

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