
Who Influences Whom?

  • by April 3, 2001
Who Influences Whom?

eMarketer reports that, while only 26% of teens currently online use the internet to shop or find product information (Jupiter, 2000), other studies have shown that online product research and "window shopping" influence offline sales. Also, as more online payment options for teens become available in the US, online shopping is expected to increase in that age group.

Top Five Categories of Online Purchases, 2000

1. Books Music(CD's/Cassettes)
2. Music (CD's/Cassettes) Clothing
3. Computer software Books
4. ToysComputer software
5. Clothing Toys

Source; PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2000

The report says that Online marketers should look into not just what teens want in an internet shopping experience, but what parents expect from merchants as well. One recent study used the back-to-school buying season (a traditional time when children and parents shop together) to start examining that aspect of the teen market. Current studies show that most teens' online purchases are made with a parent's credit card, so there is some element of permission and knowledge on the parent's part.

According to a recent joint study by and Capital One Financial, Over half of the shoppers surveyed used the internet to find information on products and services, and more than 25% made at least one back-to-school purchase online.

Buying and Researching Among US Online back-to-school Shoppers, 2000

BoughtResearched /Browsed
Desk Supplies1119
Dorm Room Supplies1619
Education-based Fees915
Sports/Team Related1420

Source: eMarketer 2001

The report concludes that the back-to-school shopping experience is an obvious example, but there may be more collaboration between teens and parents than one would initially think..

See the whole story here.

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