John Nardone
Member since April 2017Contact John- CEO Flashtlaking
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John Nardone is the CEO of Flashtalking. He is a first generation ad tech pioneer serving as a founding board member of the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB). Throughout his career he earned recognition within the advertising community for his ground-breaking work at Pepsi, Modem Media and Marketing Management Analytics (MMA). At MMA, he had a hand in establishing marketing mix modeling, illustrating his long-standing advocacy for marketing accountability. As CEO at [x+1], through its acquisition by Rocket Fuel, Nardone helped transform that business into a top rated data management platform (DMP). Rocket Fuel acquired [x+1] for $230M in 2014. It was while running [x+1] that Nardone became a client of Flashtalking, and learned first hand of its power as the art and science behind the perfect message.
Articles by John All articles by John
- Google Is Masquerading Its Anticompetitive Moves As GDPR Necessities in
Marketing Daily on
Google sure seems determined to grade its own homework and prevent any third party from checking it.
- What Counts As Programmatic Maturity In 2017? in
Real-Time Daily on
With programmatic closing in on a saturation point of over 80%+ of digital display budgets, it's clear that the next stage of programmatic will be measured less by he breadth of its adoption than by the depth of its results. Programmatic has nearly grown all it can; now it needs to grow up.
- Future of Media is a Media Meld in
Future of Media on
Media is advancing to the state where trends are both developing on individual tracks and are converging simultaneously creating a melding of opportunities. Smart marketers know that for their brand story to be relevant with consumers they need to leverage these trends and be part of the recipe for this rapid change.
From our vantage point as a digital marketing technology company, there are four major forces shaping the future of media. But these four trends are not independent, they are also converging, and tapping into this media-meld holds value for advertisers:
Media personalization is expected by consumers: Consumers interact with brands across devices in and out of home, and as portable devices increase web mobility, marketers have a significant opportunity not only to reach consumers at different interaction points but also to localize offers, embedding personalization strategies to an even greater degree. But it might not just be about local, it might be about weather or tie in to a local event that heightens the relevancy of a brand message.
- Web U: The Big Budget Buster in
OMMA Magazine on
We all love a big budget, don't we? Clients with big budgets get wined and dined. Agencies with clients with big budgets make money ... and get to go to sporting events and cool parties. And the clients that spend big online, are a special kind of celebrity. These clients are on the cutting edge - the brave and innovative who push the limits of the only growing medium. For that, they don't just get wined and dined - they get promoted and recruited.
- DSP Focus: A Multitude of Possibilities in
OMMA Magazine on
DSPs, or demand-side platforms, are hot. The online trade press is full of articles and commentary, but the definition of a DSP is still amorphous. Is it an agency exchange buying business unit like Cadreon or VivaKi? Or is it a technology platform that enables exchange buying?
- Logging In: The False Darwinism Of Competition in
OMMA Magazine on
How many ad networks on one media plan are too many? If you are running a performance-based campaign, the answer may be two. Does that sound crazy? After all, it's pretty common today to see online media plans that have six, seven, 10 or even more networks on the plan. Media planners include multiple networks with the idea that they will optimize the plan over time by dropping the weakest performers. The problem with this strategy is that planners (and clients, for that matter) rarely have the data and analytics to make the right decisions, while the networks do everything they can to "game" the system.
- Making Branding Pay in
Media Magazine on
Economic conditions being what they are, my agency partners have begun asking, "How can we justify branding budgets to our clients?" I generally answer their question with a question: How do you define "branding?" If their answer doesn't include short-term response metrics, I tell them they need to get a new definition of branding.
- Focus: Double Bull's-Eye in
OMMA Magazine on
So far, targeting online has been a big tease. The promise of being able to recognize an online user, know something relevant about them, and deliver some tailored message, has tantalized us for years. We have seen hints of what is possible in Web-crm applications for registration-based Web sites. We recognize the power of the blunt targeting of remarketing. The limited capabilities of the current ad exchanges show us a glimmer of what could be.
- Catching Click-Fraud Crooks in
Media Magazine on
More than 14 years have passed since wired magazine launched hotwired, the first ad-supported Web site. One would think 14 years is long enough to establish a media business that is safe for advertisers, transparent, free of deception and devoid of outright fraud. Unfortunately, advertisers and agencies must still constantly look out for many deceptive and fraudulent practices.
- Taking Measure: Making the Most of It in
Media Magazine on
As I write this, no word better describes the 2009 economic outlook than grim. Retail season projections look very pessimistic, and consumer confidence has dipped lower than any point in recent memory. Some marketers have already slashed their 2009 budgets while worrying about how they will respond should things get even worse.
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