Lydia Loizides
Member since September 2006Contact Lydia- CEO Talentedly
- http://www.talentedly.com
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Talentedly
- LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/talentedly
- Twitter: @Talentedly
- New York New York
- 10033 USA
Lydia Loizides is the CEO of Talentedly, a company on a mission to make work feel amazing. Talentedly is an online, one-on-one professional coaching and talent development platform. We work with forward-thinking companies who are invested in developing their key business asset: their people. A serial entrepreneur, with an IPO, JV and two acquisitions in consumer internet products and services, Lydia has extensive experience in early-stage companies having held senior positions in product management, research, and operations.
Articles by Lydia All articles by Lydia
- Oh Joy, It's Almost Yearend Review Time! in
MAD on
In the advertising industry, the individual performance review process is especially daunting given that 44% of the workforce is comprised of Millennials. A TriNet Perform study conducted in September 2015 found that Millennials and the performance review make a toxic cocktail. One study found that more than half (59 percent) of Millennials frequently feel their manager is unprepared to give feedback during performance reviews.
- When Did TV Become A Luxury? in
TV Board on
Is it the recession talking when Pew reports that 52% of Americans think of their TV as a necessity, a figure that's down 12 percentage points from 2006? Probably. But take into account that that is the smallest share to call a TV a necessity since the question was first asked 35 years ago. Yes, you read right: the lowest ever in the last 35 year. Granted, the survey was executed during April 2-8, not a stellar business week in U.S. history. But that is no reason to be complacent about double-digit losses unless there is some guarantee of double-digit recovery and subsequent growth.
- Three Dimensions Of Metrics For The 21st Century in
TV Board on
Last week I said that I was going to tie three uber-learnings that I took away from TED 2009 -- creativity, story-telling and looking beyond -- to three challenges that we all face as an industry today: metrics, engagement and interactivity. Let's begin with metrics.
- Live From TED in
TV Board on
So I am writing this while in Palm Springs attending TED 2009. I can't put into words the vibe from our little group (we are the satellite site to the main conference's Long Beach site) but suffice to say, there are some common themes that are emerging: creativity, story-telling and looking beyond what we know.
- What Did You Say? in
TV Board on
So, I am experiencing one of my more esoteric moments, thinking about macro issues and how they impact my everyday life at work. I am a TED (the Technology, Entertainment, Design conference) freak. I love to listen to the podcasts, love to share the knowledge with my friends and am also fortunate enough to be asked to attend this year. There was one podcast in particular that I came across last week that I have been going over and over in my mind. It had to do with listening.
- NBC Gambling On Variety Hour Format in
TV Board on
In less than two weeks, we have seen the boom and bust of Rosie O'Donnell's variety proof-of-concept special and the announcement that Jay Leno will stay at NBC with a new prime-time week night talk and comedy show. So why all the attention on these shows? Easy, advertising.
- You Say Community, I Say Communiteevee in
TV Board on
Social media. Community. Tagging. Commenting. All these are the buzz words associated with the application of social media to content. But does it matter in the TV world -- materially, that is? Maybe, but I am not convinced.
- Showtime's Digital Litmus Test in
TV Board on
Leave it to Showtime to work both sides of the same genre coin (and I mean that in a good way). Staring down the last season of "The L Word," arguably a game-changer in the portrayal of lesbian, bisexual and transgender women on cable television, Showtime announced a few months back a spin-off that would shoot after the final season. The show is created by "L-Word" show runner Ilene Chaiken, who (here is the kicker) will take a storyline from the linear program and extend it into an online series. If Showtime moves, the Webisodes will segue into a new linear series.
- CHANGE: Yes, We Can in
TV Board on
If you believe in the power of the crowds, if you believe in the power of hope, and if you believe in the power of change, then this week has been quite a ride. But what I want to do is to look at what happened on the political landscape -- change -- and apply it to our business.
- Whatcha Watchin', Joe The Plumber? in
TV Board on
I am utterly fascinated by American politics and media. The rise of Joe The Plumber as an iconic Everyman of a national election is well, interesting. Especially when we consider that this man and his story is unremarkable (and I mean that in the clinical sense of the word). But even as he recognizes the absurdity of the attention, being quoted by The Associated Press as saying, "I'm kind of like Britney Spears having a headache ... [e]verybody wants to know about it." Well, I am going to hop on the bandwagon and ask this medium of the middle, this avatar of the average American, the following questions that drive the world I live in everyday....

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