Martin Betoni
Member since February 2006Contact Martin- VP, Partnerships & Strategy Specless
- 515 N State Street
- 14th Floor
- Chicago Illinois
- 60654 USA
Articles by Martin All articles by Martin
- How About a Little Revolution in Display Advertising? in
Online Media Daily on
I'm taking a page from James Carville's handbook to make a point that feels too often overlooked in these turbulent economic waters. Guess what? "It's the value, stupid!" So where's the value in advertising?
- Maximize Video's Effectiveness in
Video Insider on
Here's a novel concept: Take a 30-second spot originally shot for television and place it in a rich media ad unit. Wait, you've heard that one before? So have I, over and over again.
- Flash Point in
Video Insider on
There has been no single recent initiative in rich media more important than the implementation and delivery of video in online ads.
Comments by Martin All comments by Martin
- New Software Erases Brands And Logos From Your View
Max Kalehoff
(Online Spin on
That we've come to a place where a municipality not only considers but actually adopts a ban on advertising itself painfully illustrates just how far our flock has strayed when it comes to what we're comfortable peddling as good advertising. It pains me to think of our roots in this medium, luminaries like Mucha and Toulouse-Latrec, whose work today hangs in musuems, galleries and private collections worldwide. Great advertising has always been about it's ability to make an emotional connection with the consumer. Our advertising does not, and the worst part is that we have ourselves to blame - us that have stood by complacently while the mathemeticians and technologists tell us over and over again "No, no, no - this is the interent, you can not do that." I believe that this time is coming to an end. I believe that now our industry needs to prove that we can actually can connect with consumers. Not because our ads are laser-targeted, or hyper-accountable or over-analyzed but rather because people respond to them. Ads are impactful when they make you laugh, amaze you, raise your curiosity or even make you cry. Ads are powerful when you remember them, talk about them and share them with the people around you. Ads are monumental when they last. Once we figure out how to make our advertising beautiful, the rest of our measuring sticks become, well - academic.
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