Michael Caccavale
Member since November 2012- CEO Pluris Marketing
- LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/michael-caccavale/3/630/75
- Twitter: @plurismarketing
- Farmingham Massachusetts
- 01701 USA
As the co-founder and chief executive officer of Pluris Marketing, Michael Caccavale is the innovator and forward-thinker behind the company’s marketing enablement, analytics and optimization solutions and has led the company in creating and executing programs for major cable television providers, retailers and customer-facing fortune 500 companies.
Articles by Michael All articles by Michael
- The Dangerous Trap Of The Chief Digital Officer: Two Job Concepts, One Title in
Marketing Daily on
Larry Dignan's response at ZDNet hit the nail on the head, "The CDO is a transition role. Every company on the planet will be digital and that means most execs will lean that way. A CDO position when everything is digital is a bit redundant."
- Mobile Isn't a Marketing Channel. It's a Multi-channel Beast In Need Of Taming in
Mobile Marketing Daily on
Marketers focused on mobile as "a channel" are quickly finding out something their brand heads may not fully understand. It isn't just a channel. From the complexities in spending, R&D to the tactical consumer engagement strategies, this area is "special."
- Fire Was Built To Burn A Hole In Your Pocket in
Marketing Daily on
For the multibillion-dollar game being played by retailers, content providers, and all-knowing search engines, the Fire phone represents the full-blown admission that the last thing a phone is being considered these days is a device for calling people.
- How Google Hides Pizza in
Marketing Daily on
Have you tried searching for "pizza near me" on your phone lately? You'll notice the map lights up with options that, with a click or two, can be called right away. What you may not notice is what's not there or what's buried in there - those who didn't advertise.
- Don't Toss Your Catalog Yet in
Marketing Daily on
Marketing is a race. Brands are pushing to be the first in your mind when you're hungry, thirsty, have a cold, are in need of insurance, or whatever that "need" is. And, as in all races, the fastest brand wins.
- Segmenting Is For The Drones in
Marketing Daily on
It was the Sunday before Cyber Monday -- a day in which Amazon shipped 27 million packages. Like any good marketer, Bezos leveraged his news prowess to grant an interview before the biggest shopping day of the year, putting his company on the minds of millions of viewers at the right time and place. But that's not enough! What would generate better word of mouth than the bizarre idea of robot delivery? Not much. The plan worked -- if that indeed was the plan.
- Optimizing Mobile Offers in
Mobile Marketing Daily on
Are you optimizing off of the right data points in mobile, taking itno account the persona you are targeting, and understanding how your cusotmer is interacting with your products?
- Not Black And Blue Friday in
Marketing Daily on
Accenture's annual Holiday Shopping Survey predicts the biggest Black Friday in five years -- and the times they are a-changing. The survey suggests that 42% percent of consumers plan to spend at least half of their budgets online. Since savvy marketers are (almost) all ready to go, what tweaks can make this season a better one? Here are three for starters.
- Getting The Most Out Of Your Monday Morning Quarterback in
Marketing Daily on
I swear that in each point of our Monday morning quarterback session, there was a marketing lesson/reminder making its way to the surface. So while there is no shortage of business-to-sports analogies out there, I have discovered that nuggets of marketing insight can be found in many of the seemingly unconnected conversations that happen in the office.
- What Can Marketers Learn From Target's New Mobile App? in
Marketing Daily on
In an age when Walmart has a budget to fight the petitions that inevitably pop up for the launch of a new store, Target is making gains in its desired perception as a different sort of big store -- with its carefully crafted product, marketing and channel decisions that in many ways set the pace for big brands. So it should be no surprise that Target's new mobile app lays a foundation that marketers at brands -- especially retailers -- will find interesting.

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