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Sean Gera

Member since October 2014Contact Sean

  • Sr. Marketing Manager CallFire
  • Santa Monica California
  • 90401 USA

Sean Gera is a Sr. Marketing Manager at CallFire, Inc. His background is in consulting and academia, and he is currently completing a Ph.D. in Methods and Modeling at Claremont Graduate University's School of Politics and Economics. He has an MBA in Strategy and has been a member of the CallFire team since 2012, working on a variety of projects related to marketing, strategy, and data analysis. In 2014, Sean has been instrumental in driving CallFire’s product development in the political space, and he is eager to share ideas for using CallFire’s unique combination of technologies to enhance mobile communication for businesses and organizations.

Articles by Sean All articles by Sean

  • Hispanic Voters: The Under-Mobilized Demographic in Engage:Hispanics on 10/29/2014

    There are numerous topics to consider in the 2014 midterm elections - the Middle East, the economy, job rates, and Ebola - not to mention the predicted low turnout for the elections themselves. Immigration is another major issue, but, in this election, it is one topic that is not getting much attention.

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