Chad Capellman
Member since January 2010Contact Chad- Digital Strategist Taoti Creative
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- Twitter: chadrem
- 1250 Connecticut Ave
- Washington District Of Columbia
- 20036 USA
Chad Capellman (@chadrem) is a web strategist at Taoti Creative (@taoticreative) in Washington, DC, a Drupal-based digital strategy and web design firm that provides a full suite of creative, development, hosting and branding services. He has more than 15 years experience in various online roles that include writer, editor, web producer, account manager, marketer, developer and social media strategist. He got started on the web by transitioning from print to the early days of and has never looked back. He has hands-on experience working with non-profits, sports, healthcare, government, online book publishing and consumer packaged goods. Chad is somewhat addicted to new and emerging technologies, and is constantly pondering novel and practical ways clients and friends alike can leverage them to cut through the noise and connect with target audiences.
Articles by Chad All articles by Chad
- How Marketing And Web Evolution Lessons Can Help Providers Serve Customers in
Marketing: Health on
I recently had the opportunity to be part of a panel discussion focused on consumer engagement in Durham, N.C., for Duke University's 5th Annual Informatics Conference: "Clinical Innovation in an EHR Environment". The panel moderator gave us the questions he hoped to address ahead of time, which conveniently gave me a chance to write these answers.
- Key Questions To Ask Yourself Ahead Of A Hospital Redesign in
Marketing: Health on
One of the most exciting times a hospital marketing team has is when it's in the early stages of a web site redesign. As a baseball fan, it's similar to spring training, when everything seems possible, and there's energy that's derived from a sense of reinvention.
- Quizzical Looks From ACA Ruling Don't Look To Let Up Any Time Soon in
Marketing: Health on
I didn't watch the recent reports on the Supreme Court's ruling on the Affordable Care Act on TV as I was at work, but did follow along through the web, instant messaging, Facebook and Twitter.
- We Got Game in
Marketing: Health on
Take a shot at an inside-outside approach to thought leadership.
- It's Not Brain Surgery: Connect With The World By Connecting With Those Around You in
Marketing: Health on
When was the last time you got into the brain of a researcher, or let one get into yours?
- A Little Digital Spring Cleaning Can Do Wonders For the Health Of Your Marketing Endeavors in
Marketing: Health on
We just opened the windows here at our world headquarters in Boston. This is noteworthy because it's still March, and these things don't usually happen here until a little later. It also reminds me that it is, in fact, spring. And with spring, comes spring cleaning. But spring cleaning needn't be limited to your house. Health marketers can benefit from a "digital spring cleaning" of sorts, and it can be done with relatively little elbow grease.
- As Debates Rage Over Health And Science, Digital Preparation Is Vital in
Marketing: Health on
Health and science were in the news a lot in the past few weeks. And it wasn't because of a new breakthrough treatment or a new research approach that could save the lives of millions. Those things happened, but they had a hard time cutting through the noise while several political stories emerged around topics involving women's health that generated swift, intense debate and outrage through social media channels and highlighted the shortcomings of many to properly handle debates in the digital space.
- As Some Patients Cut Through The Noise By Making Their Own, Are You Listening? in
Marketing: Health on
The web provides the ability to target niche groups with unique content that is relevant to a specific group. And yet ...
- Mo' Money, Mo' Causes: How The Web And Social Media Turn Many Into Health Marketers in
Marketing: Health on
As I'm writing this, I don't feel quite like myself. But that's just because I don't look like myself. And that's because of this ridiculous mustache I've been growing for the past month.
- When Looking For The Right Answers, Try Looking For The Questions in
Marketing: Health on
Over the course of work days, weeks, months and years, it's easy for health care marketers to lose direct contact with their primary audience: patients. There are, of course, people in your organization whose job it is to stay in constant contact with these people. Maintaining a system to stay connected with these colleagues can provide a win-win for marketing departments looking for great content and for patients who are trying to navigate their own healthcare needs.
Comments by Chad All comments by Chad
- Picture This: Some Options For Telling The Story Of Your Hospital
Chad Capellman
(Marketing: Health on
Thanks for the feedback Leslie. You bring up great points about overload and appropriateness and how any of this information was displayed is vital. Most of the items I listed were from the mindset of being helpful reminders or items that could be of value to the audience. By doing this, the hospital could reinforce its value to the community as having the best interests of its patients -- and those who care about them enough to visit -- at heart.
- Points To Ponder For Mayo Clinic's New Social Endeavor
Chad Capellman
(Marketing: Health on
Thanks for the comments Lee. I think a lot of good should come of the project. One point I'd like to clarify is in what I meant by open source. What I love about Ushahidi is how they've been able to open source the platform to enable others to use it in their own way. This is a subtle distinction from using an open-source platform as a content management system, but it's obviously still very early in the process and I appreciate you clarifying here. I also appreciate you taking the time to engage with myself and Frani Lieberman about this on the blogs and on Twitter. Looking forward to seeing the site!
- Get Outta Your Mind(Set) For Social Media Success
Chad Capellman
(Marketing: Health on
FYI, the link to the video can be found here
- Tap Into IPad's Marketing Power
Chad Capellman
(Marketing: Health on
I wasn't really saying definitively either way. There are ways to achieve this while still staying within both the letter and the spirit of various regulations for gifts that exist now and that are on the way. One approach could be to ship it in a returnable package with a request to return it within 30-60 days and a note saying "we know you're busy and wanted to present our product to you in a way that is engaging and would fit into your busy schedule." It is interesting though that what might be considered an excessive gift today could certainly come down in price for the same technology in just a few months as newer versions of the device enter the market. What I try to do with all of my clients at Genuine Interactive is to make them aware of new services and technologies that are available and provide conversation starters for them to channel their own expertise and insights through them. Thanks for bringing up this point Leslie!
- Are You Ready For The Success Of Your Social Media Strategy?
Chad Capellman
(Marketing: Health on
+1 Yvonne. Nobody wants to move past this conversation than I do. However I run in to people and organizations all the time who are still in the early stages of embracing much of this. For perspective, some of these parties are also still locked into organization-wide required use of IE6, which actually came out before 9/11/01 (sigh). My sugarplum dreams include leveraging advanced social media aggregation and monitoring tools for amazing curation and conversation opportunities (like Typepad Motion, for example If you're in Boston, I'd love to meet up and trade stories some time.
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