chris cunningham
Member since September 2014Contact chris- Unacast
- Twitter: @c2cunningham
- New York New York
- 10012 USA
Cheif Revenue Officer Unacast + Founder c2v.partners
Articles by chris All articles by chris
- Retailers May Take Individual Targeting In-House in
MediaDailyNews on
Why is it, when individual targeting is the goal, ad exchanges, DSPs and other advertising techs all seem to focus on audiences instead of people? The short answer is that retailers and ad tech providers are misaligned. A
- The Future of Media is Activity in
Future of Media on
The future of media is activity. For far too long now media and advertisers have littered the web with ads around the experience that don't work. The future is focused on what people are doing, not where they're doing it.
Most importantly, advertising based on people's activities works - outperforming standard display ads by a double-digit multiple. Today, activities include sharing content, checking-in and setting statuses, collecting, sending and earning virtual goods, polls and contests, and completing a level within a game, to name a few.
- Accept Everything We Do Is Social (And 'Like' It) in
Online Media Daily on
As an industry we are witnessing a historic trend: apps that were once dependent on one platform, like Facebook or the iPhone, are now moving to multiple platforms. In some cases they're even moving directly to the Web itself.
- Timing is Everything: Handing Off The Baton As A Team in
Online Media Daily on
We all know the sayings, "timing is everything" and there is a "time and a place": My question is what does that mean and how is it relevant to executing, planning and strategizing around social media campaigns on the Web?
- Beware Of The Guarantee in
Online Media Daily on
Out of all the quotes to choose from, I have to chuckle that I'm referencing Chris Farley and the 1995 movie "Tommy Boy." In the classic
- Social Media Question Of The Day: Should I Build Or Buy? in
Online Media Daily on
I consider myself very lucky because I love my job. Every day I get the privilege to meet and talk with digital marketers in every major
- The Evolution Of Social Specific Advertising And The Extinction Of The Widget in
Online Media Daily on
Remember that kid you knew in high school, who went away for the summer to someplace foreign, like Europe or Canada or Upper Montclair, and came back so dramatically altered that you didn't even recognize him? Eight pounds of lean muscle, a fresh haircut, clothes from a store that's not in any of your local malls, a couple shades of tan and suddenly he's almost a new person. His DNA is unchanged, of course, but he's been otherwise transformed by the environment he has been in. The same thing has happened to widgets.
- Social Applications: Monetizing The Road Connecting Madison Avenue And Palo Alto in
Online Media Daily on
If I could choose any spot to open a coffee shop, it would be at the intersection of Advertising and Technology. It's a bustling social hub, and the conversation is invariably lively -- sometimes optimistic, occasionally doubtful, but always provocative. There's also no small amount of work to do, so people would need my coffee. And there's ample budget available, so they could afford it. Even the fancy blender stuff with the syrup and the whipped cream. Especially the fancy blender stuff, actually.
- Consumer-Generated Audience: The Surprising Metrics For Family Decision Makers in
Online Media Daily on
Occasionally I have to remind people that social media is not comprised solely of social networks. There's that "media" part in there too--the content that people create in order to give communities something to view, read, watch, ruminate over, connect to, comment on, dig into, dig at, or just plain Digg. Social media is largely equated with younger demos. So much so, in fact, that we often overlook how other demographics are using it. We shouldn't.
- Kinetic Marketing: Training for Brands' Big Events in
Online Media Daily on
I argue frequently about the importance of widgets: How they're an ad format that swims with the prevailing current instead of against it; that of the major marketing disruptions handed down by the Internet, only widgets are proving to be both promotion-effective and brand-enhancing; and how they allow marketers to join conversations they might not otherwise be invited into. But let's suppose for a minute that widgets aren't important to marketing.

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