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Carolyn Stewart

Member since September 2016Contact Carolyn

  • Associate Research Director Ameritest
  • Littleton Colorado
  • 80129 USA

Carolyn Stewart works at Ameritest as an Associate Research Director.

Articles by Carolyn All articles by Carolyn

  • A Twisted Story: The Power Of Unexpected Turns In Advertising in Marketing Insider on 02/12/2018

    Little Red Riding Hood skipped down the wooded path with a basket for her grandmother and a "stranger danger" lesson for little boys and girls around the world. This infamous fable leverages the power of storytelling to reshape how children perceive their interactions with strangers.

  • Staying Focused: 3 Rules To Getting Consumers' Attention in Marketing: CPG on 09/07/2016

    We've all endured "in your face" ads that bombard us with yelling, flashy graphics and the insufferable barrage of message after message. What these advertisers have failed to realize is that every time they fill the screen with multiple graphics, split-screen shots, and voiceover that doesn't sync with the visuals, they are employing the ad's worst enemy: distraction.

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