Articles by Diane All articles by Diane
- Mobile Advertising: Lucrative With Right Strategy in
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- Mobile Redefines Retail, Advertising in
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Marketers should reach mobile consumers with personalized information, offers and transactions that cater to their interests and needs at any moment they use the medium.
- Sandy's Lesson: Improve Infrastructure, Utilize Technology To Mitigate Damage in
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While it is impossible to manage the unpredictable impact of a natural disaster, improving infrastructure and internal systems at every level and using technology to monitor and provide services can mitigate some of the physical, economic and personal toll.
- CBS Keeps Broadcast Profitable Atop Retrans, Syndie Fees in
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Although more than $250 million in retrans fees will account for 10% of CBS' 2012 segment earnings, those revenues are expected to double by 2015, generating 70% of earnings growth.
- Patent Lawsuits Defeat Innovation, Curtail Enterprise in
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This unwieldy dynamic of powerful tech companies binging on patents and then using them as combat artillery will have dire implications for enterprise. The patent wars are more about thwarting competitors and less about fostering innovation.
- Social Element Will Move Mobile Payments To Next Level in
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The new Starbucks-Square mobile payments partnership is an opportunity for Twitter and Facebook to leverage their developing mobile ad platforms, geo-targeting features and itinerant user base into transaction gold. The question is not if, but how soon?
- Mobile: Only As Good As Your Last Offering in
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The mobile interactive users companies are scrambling to attract can cause chaos. The spontaneous interactivity companies are trying to leverage can as easily work against them.
- Splitting News Corp Means Shoring Up Print Ops in
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News Corp.'s decision to throw its publishing operations under the bus in a division of assets is a shortsighted effort to pacify shareholders disgruntled with a year-long phone-hacking scandal and declining stock price. It could blunt the newspapers' digital survival.
- Cable Needs To Fear Less, Innovate More in
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Dable remains an insular industry protecting its domain investment and guarding against releasing too much too fast-and usually only when pushed. In an age when disruptive elements come out of left field, savvy and agile, no company or industry can afford to be tethered to rules of their own making or the government.
- Meeker: Radical Shift Need To Monetize Mobile in
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Mary Meeker, Internet guru and analyst drives home the point that while we are racing into a mobile world, we are far from cracking the code for making money from mobile social connections.
Comments by Diane All comments by Diane
- Social Media Is the New Mass Media
Diane Mermigas
(On Media on
Thanks for reading and for commenting.My objective, as always, is to keep the dialogue going. For the record, Jerry Foster, I have had Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts for quite some time.
- Digital Blueprint For Success: Interactivity
Diane Mermigas
(On Media on
Whoa, Jonathan, you are thinking too small. I mean advanced Interactivity, to infinity and beyond...
- 5 Factors That Will Determine Future Ad Spend
Diane Mermigas
(On Media on
Many thanks for your kind words.Now if we only can move this dialogue into action, we're all good!
- 5 Factors That Will Determine Future Ad Spend
Diane Mermigas
(On Media on
Absolutely! Thank you for your observation. There are so many moving parts to this economic disaster, recovery and transformation. The oversimplified treatment of it is misleading and dangerous. The good news is that once we make the effort to truly understand what is happening, there is a better chance of designing more constructive solutions and new business models better suited to the digital age.

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