The practice, which effectively cached and kept reusing an advertiser's bid request until it yielded a win, was a short-term boon for Index Exchange, which started using it without anyone's … Read the whole story
With the addition of CBS's TV and digital inventories, following the ViacomCBS merger, OpenAP Market says it's now the largest cross-platform, audience-based ad-buying platform … Read the whole story
DirecTV has hiked prices each January for three years, reflecting AT&T's focus on more profitable subscribers -- which drove more than 1M subscriber losses … Read the whole story
A weakening global economy will keep underlying ad-spend growth in the mid single-digit range, according to forecasts just released from GroupM, Zenith and Magna. Read the whole story
A new Deloitte U.S. consumer survey points to rapid adoption, but as always, there are "ifs." Read the whole story
The agency ordered Cambridge Analytica, now in bankruptcy, to delete data collected from millions of Facebook users. Read the whole story
The pricey, three-plus-hours original movie also pulled an average minute audience of 13.2 million viewers in those first five days, starting on Thanksgiving eve. Read the whole story
Shim is replacing Jeff Glueck, who took the reins from Foursquare's founder and first CEO Dennis Crowley in early 2016. He joined Foursquare when … Read the whole story
As major players launch competitors for existing content and take back streaming rights to popular classic TV series, Netflix has been investing more than … Read the whole story
Smart devices present a potential problem if not properly managed, according to the FBI. Read the whole story
China plans to replace the tech with its own over the next few years. The news comes at a critical juncture in the U.S.-China … Read the whole story
"High-speed internet service must be treated as the new electricity -- a public utility that everyone deserves as a basic human right," the Vermont … Read the whole story
The company uses three data sources -- "consumers who have not been to your site, loyalists, and how consumers cross-shop on different platforms," said … Read the whole story