Nearly three in four Americans (74%) have little or no confidence that these companies can prevent the spread of political misinformation. Read the whole story
In a shockingly timed move, Bob Iger, longtime chairman-CEO of Walt Disney, is resigning, effective immediately. Replacing him is Disney veteran senior executive Bob … Read the whole story
The free, ad-supported Xumo will continue to operate as an independent business, but will be overseen by Comcast senior vice president Rebecca Heap. Comcast … Read the whole story
Following the announced departure of Randy Freer last month, Hulu has named its chief marketing officer Kelly Campbell to president of the Disney-owned streaming … Read the whole story
The platform is "a major shift for this company, from how we operate to how we monetize," says NBCU Advertising and Partnerships Chairman Linda … Read the whole story
Sanzaru Games is the maker of the role-playing epic "Asgard's Wrath," which is popular in the gaming community. Although technically part of Facebook's Oculus … Read the whole story
Between January and February, the average sports media outlet saw its TikTok following swell by about 400,000 users, the analytics firm found, reports Conviva. Read the whole story
The ANA argues in its 18-page comments that companies will need an additional six months to comply with the "novel and operationally complex" measure. Read the whole story
The move could help prevent broadband access providers like Comcast and AT&T from using subscribers' personal data for commercial purposes. Read the whole story
Congress should pass a national privacy law that builds on the new measure in California, but doesn't override it, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra … Read the whole story
The new tagline, "How doers get more done," drove the largest single-day downloads of its mobile app. Read the whole story
As a huge percentage of the news coverage dealt with President Trump, Brand Keys was again interested to see how much "trust" viewers had … Read the whole story
Thankfully, there is a growing movement around using attention metrics to evaluate the quality (and hence, value) of media as an alternative to cookie-based … Read the whole story